Most of sub Saharan rural communities are engaged in subsistence agriculture. For households to move into the money economy, there is need to move rural communities from subsistence economies to commercial economies. For this to happen, the barriers to the thriving of the rural economy should be cleared. These include:
Land tenure system
Poor feeder road networks
Low/misuse of fertilizers
Low quality inputs
Dependence on the hand hoe
Poor post-harvest handling
Agriculture Sales middlemen
Fluctuation in prices of commodities
Poor storage facilities
Lack of financial services for the rural population (savings and credit services)
Lack of agricultural insurance services for rural farmers
We believe that once the barriers to rural economy transformation are solved, then the rural communities will organically transition to commercial agriculture, thereby creating the move to middle income status. All our efforts in this thematic area are therefore geared towards removing the barriers and hence creating an environment for the organic, community led and community involved transition to middle income status.