Our Work

Our sectors of intervention

This can’t be far from the truth. The role of education as the great equalizer in life and in society can’t be debated.

A sick body is a non-productive body. For rural transformation, and by extension sustainable national development to be achieved.

Most of sub Saharan rural communities are engaged in subsistence agriculture. For households to move into the money economy.

Women and youth are the biggest constituencies in communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, due to cultural and economic reasons, they are only used by politicians to get the latter’s selfish ends.


In the design, implementation and monitoring of our work, we follow the following principles:

a) Human Centred Design

All our program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation is done in alignment with the principles of Human Centered Design. The intervention target group is at the centre of the program design, implementation and review. We work with the people to solve the challenges of the people for the socio-economic and political development of the people.

b) Sustainability

Our interventions are system led. We believe that system strengthening interventions are the best way to create the capacity of local systems to buy into the intervention, understand the why, what and how, and hence own the intervention even after the project closure.

c) Measurable grassroots impact

All our interventions must be visibly impactful within the community of intervention. The impact must be measurable, but also should be visible to any person doing a ‘before-and-after’ analysis. Change must be seen-not only in data and analytics, but also seen and felt by the community of intervention.

d) Social enterprise

In the design, implementation and monitoring of our interventions, we think about social enterprise principles. These look into how the beneficiaries become ‘clients’ and have a cost sharing model of our intervention. This is to create ownership on their end, and in the process create reduced program expenditure or unrestricted revenues internally that can then be re-invested in program scale.